

当前位置:小学资源网 >英语>六年级上>牛津译林(一起)






One summer morning a tiger was walking by a lake . He hoped to find something to eat. in the river , a duck was swimming . “There is my breakfast ,” thought the tiger .
“Good morning , Mr Duck !” said the tiger.
“ Go away , you bad tiger!” said the duck .
“I only want to tell you something about your friend , Miss Chicken. If you are not interested, I’ll go . Goodbye , Mr Duck ” and the tiger turned.
“Wait a minute ,” said the duck , “ I haven’t heard about it .Tell me .”
The tiger looked around , “I don’t want other animals to hear it . Come here and I’ll speak in your ear ,”said the tiger .
Mr Duck swam quickly to the tiger. As soon as he came to the tiger , the tiger caught him and ate him up.

Reading Comprehension
(    )1. The tiger wanted to find  __________.
A.a duck   B.some food   C.some water    D.a chicken
(    )2. The tiger said to the duck  __________
      A.angrily      B.quickly     C.happily    D.politely (礼貌地)
(    )3. The duck was __________to see the tiger .
 A.happy     B.afraid     C.sorry    D.glad
(    )4. The duck wanted the tiger to  _______________.
     A.tell him something about his friend      B.have breakfast
C.go to look for the chicken             D.tell him in the ear
(    )5. At last, the tiger ________.
     A.ate the duck           B.ate the chicken 
C.told the duck about the chicken            D.said nothing and went away




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